Energetic Body Renewal | Enable People to Be Free of the Matrix
Do you ever feel like something is blocking you from living your desired lifestyle?
Hi, I'm Kim Juric, your Auric Clearing guide. I can help you clear those blocks so you can live your best life possible.

My mission is to enable people to be free of the matrix and provide them with the spiritual tools to clear and heal their Energetic Body in order to easily manifest their desires.
Does this sound like you?
You’ve taken so many self-improvement courses, read the self-help books, only to remain stuck!
You feel like something is blocking you from living the life you truly desire.
You are tired before you start your day.
You are too tired at the end of the day to enjoy time with your family.
You are always on a diet, another exercise regime and yet you never reach your desired weight or health goals.
You save only to have unforeseen expenses occur, yet again.
If you answered yes to any of the above then your Energetic Body may have blockages, or ‘Auric Attachments.’

Auric Attachments affect your life in negative ways (often subconsciously) and if these are not cleared eventually they can solidify and manifest as poor health, illness and disease.
They are like the dementors in the Harry Potter movie, taking the life you desire away from you and leaving you empty feeling no joy or excitement. They keep you stuck in your past or non-existent future and away from the present…where all manifestation happens.
Until you clear them from your Energetic Body you will continue to attract the same people, places and circumstances making it extremely difficult to realise your goals and desires. The big problem is that they hold you back from the life you could be living.

When your energetic body is clear from Auric Attachments then you begin to finally make lasting progress.
Having thoughts like…
"I can't"
“I’m not good enough.”
“Something bad is going to happen.”
“I don’t have enough money.”
Are evidence that you may have Auric Attachments.
So, do you want to continue to live your life with fear, doubt, anxiety, lack and unaccomplished wants?
OR do you want to learn how to get out of this cycle and finally be free of the struggle?
Here’s what you will learn on the free webinar:
- What are Auric Attachments and how they have a negative impact on all areas of your life?
- How your health, relationships and your life is controlled by your Auric Field.
- How negative emotions, especially fear are an invitation for entities to come and create havoc in your life.
- How Auric Attachments create physical problems – low energy, ill health, disease.
- Whether you have any Auric Attachments to be cleared.
- How to clear all Auric Attachments using the Advanced Recursive Auric Clearing Protocol and finally move forward in your life without the struggle.
Are you ready to say YES to living a drama and stress free life without the chaos and struggle? Then let’s get started. Register below and the change you seek can start now.
Success Stories
The recursive auric clearing session was phenomenal. I feel totally blissed out and am in awe of the fact that it works in the background continually clearing my chakras on all levels. It’s such a blessing not having to cleanse and balance them all the time. On waking up this morning the energy in my room was, and now two weeks later still is, pristine. The energy in the house seems to have an energetic lift while I sleep. Two weeks after my Recursive Auric Clearing, I was offered a chakra balance, the lovely lady was so surprised that all chakras were already clear and aligned, perfectly balanced. It is an amazing experience.
Kim BKambah ACT
When I first met Kim I was not doing well. My life was a mess, my partner had died and I didn’t know which way to turn. With nothing to lose I decided to give the clearings a go. My life dramatically changed, things started to go right for me, I became happier, wasn’t in a constant bad mood or feeling depressed. Life started to look better had better relationships with my family. I believe that what Kim did helped me to become a happier, better person more able to cope with day to day life. Thank you Kim.
Stephen WQueanbeyan NSW
After my Auric Clearing session with Kim I felt a dramatic shift. I now see the world through a clearer lens, and am more assertive when dealing with people. I have been able to make better decisions and am looking forward to a happier and more productive future.
Gerd R.Bateman's Bay. N.S.W
I had the opportunity to do the clearing sessions with Kim. I was surprised at the result, I felt much calmer, clearer and much more in control of myself and what I was doing. My path forward became clearer and much easier to follow.
Kristin BRoyalla NSW
After postponing my appointment with Kim a couple of times because I felt I wasn’t in the correct frame of mind, I was glad that I finally kept my last appointment with her! I found my clearing to be very peaceful and relaxing, probably because Kim puts you at total ease! Within 24hrs of my clearing I had some wonderful personal and business wins!!
Oliver MCanberra ACT
Having had a Triple Bypass 11 months ago and my sternum has not closed fully. It has caused me pain on an hourly basis, I undertook a Heart Chakra clearing with Kim from EBR and I have to say, I wasn't sure what to expect. While the clearing was taking, I could feel the energy blocks being removed (literally) in my left elbow, left knee and hip and after the clearing finished and I opened my eyes, everything looked brighter as if a fog had lifted from my eyes. I am looking forward to more of the healing that comes from these sessions and I am very blessed to have Kim doing this for me knowing that it is coming from an absolute place of love and trust.
Delma HAuckland NZ
About Me
"No 1 Best Selling Author on Amazon in 2023"

For over 30 years I’ve worked in the health and nutrition industry successfully guiding and teaching clients, both locally and internationally how to experience dynamic health every day, for themselves and their families. I have always believed that:
“When you feel better, you do better.”
And yet as rewarding as that was, I felt that there was more to healing than just focusing on the physical body.
So I started asking myself “what more could I do to help both myself, my clients and others to live a drama and stress free life?” “What was the missing piece of the puzzle for true transformation?”
You are much more than a physical, mental and emotional being, you are a spiritual being having a human experience.
My question was answered when I was guided to register for a webinar with Toby Alexander after I saw him being interviewed by Carl Harvey on The Big Life. And once I heard Toby’s teachings on the webinar I knew that I had finally found the missing piece of the puzzle.
As I continued attending Toby’s trainings and my energetic blockages were cleared, my life changed. Today I am living drama and stress free. I was so excited about my own transformation that I became a dedicated student and practitioner of his work to help others heal physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

I am certified as an:
- Advanced Recursive Auric Clearing Practitioner
- Advanced Recursive Karmic Clearing Practitioner
- Heart Wall Removal Healer
- Heart Mastery Practitioner
My mission is to enable people to be free of the matrix and to clear and heal their Energetic Body so they can easily manifest their desires.
I can help you renew your Energetic Body so you too can start living drama and stress free.
Get in Touch
Want to find out more about how you can live the best life possible?
Register for a free webinar or enquire below.